hi everyone! thank you so much for checking out my new website! I will update it almost everyday!
I'm still very new to this so every now and then I'll be learning new things about it!
a new poll will be up every week, meet and greet updates whenever I hear about a new meet and greet, I will also post things about being a fan and tips on how to have a successful fan page, how to get the girls to notice you, and maybe a little now and then tips on tricks! I hope you enjoy my new blog 
9/2/2013 09:08:34 am

I absouletly love your blog already it has so many facts about the girls I didn't know haha and its so creative Iwill defintly keep on checking out your new posts

9/2/2013 09:10:03 am

Good job!!!! And good luck!!!! I'm sure you'll be soon familiar with the website thingy muah!


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    watch dance moms every Tuesday night at 9/8c